Ruach Ministries is a Prophetic and Marketplace Ministry called to equip and bring healing to the body of Christ. Provide prophetic direction , hearing God for purpose and to enable them to walk out their God given destiny. Our vision: to provide a place of equipping and training for men and woman to walk in their calling and destiny.

Janet Brann-Hollis is a well-recognised prophetess who has travelled internationally for 30 years, ministering the word of the Lord across a large spectrum of the globe. Not only is she known as a strong teacher, but she is well known for her in depth accuracy of prophetic word, and specialises in assisting pastors/leaders in the raising up of the local church prophet and establishing prophetic teams. Janet has a strong team of prophets that are part of her ministry teams, they have been raised to teach and minister the word of the Lord with integrity and accuracy. In 2010 she married her husband Bill, a businessman who has a passion and calling to develop men and woman in the marketplace. Bill is a good teacher and has a strong motivational thrust, enabling men and woman to understand that they are called to the marketplace as God’s ministers, to release the Kingdom of God in the secular environment. Janet and Bill have a passion to see the church and marketplace working together, in order for the Kingdom to be advanced.

Janet and Bill minister as a team, with the revelation gifts as a sharp arrow, penetrating the heart of the believer, bringing direction, revelation and confirmation, by the gifting. Leaders are encouraged and strengthened in their gifting as Janet and Bill minister the word of the Lord, in a very precise but natural way. The one notable hallmark of Janet and Bill’s ministry is that there is no “hype” and they do not draw attention to themselves, but to Jesus who is the builder of his church. Janet and Bill are submitted to their local church in Johannesburg. As per their itinerant callings, Janet is recognised as a Prophetess within the Apostolic/Prophetic movement of Regions Beyond.


Bill and Janet welcome Jerome and Abigail as teachers and facilitators of the training aspect of Ruach Ministries. They will be active in the training of the basics of prophetic ministry, together leading the OPEN EVENING PROPHETIC MEETINGS... They have proven themselves to be trustworthy and faithful, with a heart for building the Kingdom of God!

Jerome and Abigail Laing met in 1994 after both had been serving the Lord for a few years. They have been journeying together ever since, seeking the heart of God and serving His purposes. They have been married for 25 years and have two teenage sons Judah and David. In 2006 the Lord placed a call on their heart which has led to equip and train the Body of Christ Since 2020, they have been active in Prophetic and Kingdom Identity Ministry. In 2013 they began attending Ruach Ministries Open prophetic evenings and joined the Ruach School a few years later where they received impartation and mentoring under Prophet Janet Brann - Hollis.

Their mission is:

  • to love and worship the Father extravagantly,
  • to equip the Body of Christ and to prophesy the heart and intentions of the Father
  • to release prophetic word over cities and nations

    They desire that through Kingdom Teaching the sons of God will be awakened to rule the earth as Ambassadors of Christ.

Janet & Bill Hollis

Janet and Bill as founders of Ruach have a vision: to provide a place of equipping and training for men and woman to walk in their calling and destiny. Janet Brann-Hollis is a well-recognised prophetess who has travelled internationally for 30 years, ministering the word of the Lord across a large spectrum...

Jerome & Abigail

Jerome and Abigail as teachers and facilitators of the training aspect of Ruach Ministries, their mission is: to love and worship the Father extravagantly, to equip the Body of Christ and to prophesy the heart and intentions of the Father and to release prophetic word over cities and nations. They...